Sieko's smallest Rube Goldberg Machine Made of Watch Parts is Wow
Sieko's smallest Rube Goldberg Machine Made of Watch Parts is Wow

Seiko’s smallest Rube Goldberg Machine Made of Watch Parts is Wow

We have seen watching huge multi-step complex machines in Tom and Jerry and several cartoons. This machine is called the Rube Goldberg machine which deploys highly complicated steps where each step is connected to each other. The Rube Goldberg machines is one of the finest examples of Physics applications. Seiko, Japanese watch manufacturing company recently launched an advertisement which shows an amazing Rube Goldberg made with watch parts. You need to watch the video since it’s a masterpiece and people across the world are appreciating the structure for all the right reasons.

Seiko s smallest Rube Goldberg Machine Made of Watch Parts is Wow

A Rube Goldberg machine is a contraption, a machine , a device or an apparatus that is deliberately designed in highly complicated manner to perform a simple task. The main fundamental concept is doing a simple task in a complex way. The expression is named after American cartoonist and inventor Rube Goldberg.

By definition a Rube Goldberg should never require human intervention during its running. If you watch this video, you will see that the Seiko’s machine needed the interference of human a few times. The machine comprises of 1,200 mechanical watch parts, some of which are are smaller than a millimeter in size. Hence, a little thrust was needed in order to change the inertia of the minute parts.

The sequence is amazing and a masterpiece indeed!

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