Why a Content Hub is so Important for the Success of Your Marketing Efforts?

content hub

A solid content strategy has already been established as one of the digital marketing staples. This is a field that evolves all the time, however. Today, building a content hub has proven to be a highly effective approach. In order to make a good use of it, you have to figure out what a content hub is and how to create one.

What’s a Content Hub?

If you do a bit of online research, you’ll come among numerous definitions of a complex hub. Some of these are pretty complex and abstract without revealing a lot of useful information.

To put it in simple terms, a content hub is an online place that features branded content on a niche topic. It can be a website, a blog or a social media profile. Selecting one approach or the other is entirely dependent on the brand and the channel that serves its content creation purposes the best.

Micro websites and resource centers are also becoming incredibly popular among brands. They’re highly specialized, they’re easy to put together and they can feature a lot of useful content that can be used for brand establishment purposes.

Content hubs bring many key benefits to the table. Most importantly, they establish the authority and the reputation of the brand in the respective niche.

In addition, a content hub is an excellent marketing/search engine optimization tool. It increases online engagement and it can easily convert readers into customers. When a content hub is created in the correct way, it will also provide tons of important data about the audience and its preferences. Such data can be used for the creation of even more engaging content in the future.

All of these benefits sound great but creating a functional content hub isn’t such an easy task. There are several essentials you’ll have to keep in mind, especially if you want to make the most of this innovative content-based digital platform.

Scope, Area and Type of Content

Having a website will typically give you a chance to speak about general topics in your area of expertise. In this sense, a content hub should be perceived more like a microblog or a specialized platform.

To put a content hub together, you may want to ask yourself which niche area of specialization would you like to focus on and what kinds of content will you be willing to publish. These are the two most important aspects that will be determining for everything else pertaining to content hub creation.

Would you be basing the content hub on customer questions and feedback that you get recently? That would be an excellent strategy and it can deliver amazing results in terms of engagement. Would you be putting together detailed guides that will help potential customers make up their mind? Or maybe you’d like to focus on Google Analytics results from your website?

In essence, a content hub should be based on audience behavior data that you already have. It allows for the creation of super focused content that you know people already have an interest in. Don’t rush the planning process. Analyze a sufficient data volume to make sure you’re offering your audience the topics and the informative pieces that they need.

One or Many Content Hubs?

The next question to ask yourself is whether you’re going to put together just one content hub or multiple.

Every single content hub is highly focused and specialized. If you have multiple audiences that you’d like to appeal to, it would be best to work on multiple content hubs. Attempting to accomplish distinctive marketing goals through just one content platform will dilute the narrow focus and make it much more difficult to accomplish your goal.

If you offer multiple products that appeal to different audiences, you should consider the creation of multiple content hubs, as well.

Keep in mind that having several hubs doesn’t mean putting together different websites. You can have a number of micro platforms under the same domain. Each one of those will be used to accomplish distinctive marketing goals and reach a specific group of people.

Be Inspired by the Competition

Content competition research is a great idea, regardless of the types of content you’d like to create. It’s one of the things you will need to do prior to getting started with content hub creation.

Competition research reveals trends and patterns. It can also give you some insight into what the audience is looking for. You can easily go through article comments to figure out which topics generate the most heated discussion and how the audience feels about a specific issue.

It’s very important to carry out competition research prior to putting a content hub together. Specialized content that already exists and ranks well in search engine results will be difficult to replicate. In addition, addressing similar topics will make it difficult for you to build your reputation and authority.

Rather, consider an alternative perspective that you can base on the competition research. Identify content gaps and topics that are missing representation. You can also consider presenting a specific issue in your unique way that will make your hub very different from what everybody else is already offering.

In essence, a good content hub is characterized by two things – niche specialization and uniqueness. Accomplishing both of those can be nearly impossible. This is why you have to dedicate enough time to research. The more you work on preliminary planning and refining the concept, the easier it will be to turn the content hub in the star of your marketing campaigns.

Anik is an IT professional and Data Science Enthusiast. He loves to spend a lot of time testing and reviewing the latest gadgets and software. He likes all things tech and his passion for smartphones is only matched by his passion for Sci-Fi TV Series.
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