Web hosting is a service that lets organizations to create a website or web page on the Internet. A web host service provider is a business that provides the services needed for the website to be viewed on the Internet. Websites are hosted on servers. When a user wants to view your website, all they are supposed to do is type your website address or domain in their phone or laptop browser. Their internet access gadget will then connect to your server and your web pages will be delivered to them through the browser. In other words, all the data and information on your website is stored on a host server.
Speaking of web hosts, Dreamhost and Bluehost are some of the most popular web hosting service providers today. But as most people ask, which one is best between the two? Well, in a comparative approach here are 3 pros and cons to using Dreamhost or Bluehost.
- Bluehost Pros – Dreamhost cons
1. Backups
Everyone wants to have all their documents and photos saved for future reference without the fear of losing them. Bluehost offers automatic backup services free of charge on a weekly basis.
On the other hand, Dreamhost offers a backup plan for only WordPress. The rest is done manually. Their speed is fast provisioning and everything just works instantly.
2. Migration
There comes a time when you decide to change some things on your website, for instance when you open a new account and you want to move your website to the new account. Bluehost offers the migration services at a fee. This means that even if you had customized your website, you will migrate with it just that way.
However, Dreamhost does not seem to offer migration services. So you either choose to your old account or get the new account and do away with your website.
3. Pricing
The lowest price for any Bluehost plan is $ 2.95 per month (for the Bluehost starter shared hosting plan with a three-year subscription).
On the flip side, the cheapest Dreamhost hosting plan is $8.95 per month (for a shared hosting plan with a two-year subscription), which tends to be more expensive.
- Cons of Bluehost – Dreamhost pros
1. Privacy
Everyone wants a host that highly safeguards the privacy of their clients. Compared to Dreamhost, which offers a free domain, free domain privacy, and free SSL corticated, Bluehost does not seem to offer SSL corticated security for their free domains accounts.
2. Uptime Guarantee
Everyone would like to work with an organization that offers you a guarantee in case something goes wrong. Some of the best cloud hosts today provide an uptime guarantee. This means that you have no worries that your website will experience downtimes, and in case that was to happen, the host would compensate you for the losses associated. Bluehost does not have that but Dreamhost does.
3. Support
Support is a critical factor to consider when choosing a hosting provider. Ironically, Bluehost provides 24/7 (phone) customer support while Dreamhost doesn’t.
Depending on what you are looking for in a host, you are at liberty to decide which services you want. If you’re looking to be associated with a big name, performance, security, cheap plans etc. you have the above information to help you make a choice. So which one is it going to be for you, Dreamhost or Bluehost?
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