Sequent: The kinetic self-charging smart watch for $189

A new star in the galaxy of smartwatches is the Sequent smart watch. The device costs $189 and the manudacturer Kickstarter has high expectations from the device. It claims that Sequent is the first kinetic self-charging device that can not only serve you one week with one single charging but also generates cent per cent clean energy. So an environment-friendly device is higly anticipated in today’s world.


Being a smart watch means it must satisfy users as a health monitoring device too. Kickstarter’s Sequent will not out you down. The watch features the newest generation of Heart Rate sensor, GPS tracking and notification system, which can connect by Bluetooth to the comoany’s proprietary Biofeedback health & sport app.

The device has the touch and feel of a high end Swiss watch as its design has been based on a traditional Swiss automatic watch movement. The company has developed and patented the world’s first kinetic self-charging battery system, transforming kinetic energy into electrical energy to power the Sequent smart watch. Hence, “NO MORE ADDITIONAL CHARGING from socket-outlets or coin cell batteries is required”, says Kickstarter.

Sequent supports Filtered notifications for imoroved privacy and utility. The SEQUENT SuperCharger watch fetches you only the important things come through. “Let You control the technology, and not vice versa”, says the device.

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