With everything from soup to nuts turning digital why should money be left behind? With the same idea in mind Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 made an open-source software for Bitcoins. By definition “Bitcoin is a virtual money concept that uses ...
This is an exemplary craziness with Bitcoin where a person get NFC chips implanted in his both palms to store Bitcoin wallet. Even though Bitcoin wallet is of ample benefits when it comes to exchanging currency online, but there are ...
Bill Gates is a man of substance in all spheres be it business or carrying out extensive benevolent activities. The pioneer of Microsoft, the pivotal figure behind Windows operating system which is an inseparable part of our lives, Gates is ...
Android apps are a new medium used for mining Bitcoins. If you do not know about Bitcoin, let me give you a brief introduction to Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a peer to peer payment network that involves digital currency. Bitcoins do ...