The most popular phone messenger app WhatsApp has been acquired by the giant social networking site Facebook for huge amount of $19 billions. Soon after it was brought, WhatsApp brought many new changes and new features. Three mist important updates are given below.
1. Privacy
The new privacy setting has included some of the vital features like showing or hiding Last Seen, profile picture and Status. When you open WhatsApp, go to Options or tap the required key to open options, then tap Settings. You will find Privacy.
The Privacy option lets you select the custom settings for Last Seen, Profile photo and Status. The three options avail for each feature are Everyone, My Contacts and None. If you want to share any feature with everyone, then tap Everyone, if you want to share only with those who are in your My Contacts List, select My Contacts and if you want to hide from everyone, select None.
2. Pay for a friend
Whatsapp has left an option for you to strengthen the bond of friendship more by paying for the extension of validity of his/her account. Open the friend’s profile, check below for the option Pay for friend_name. Click and find two payment gateways- one by using Google Wallet and the other using PayPal account. The following images will show step by step payment methods.
3. Share profile picture of a friend
Previously it was only possible to view the profile picture of your friend but now, not only you can view but also Share them. You can save the photo in your Gallery or share it in Facebook, Instagram, Foursquare, Gmail and many more.
we heartily welcome to the new features of whats app… we definitely utilize the features.. thumbs up whats app
I too agree with Nikina – after having bought this by facebook we were expecting additional features to be added, to start with the above features looks cool