LG is going to launch its new flagship device from the V series. The device is reportedly named LG V40 ThinQ. As per reports, the device will be launched in early October, 2018. LG has signed agreements with local carriers. Sale of the device would start in accordance of their agreement.
Another flagship which is making way in the market is the royal Galaxy Note 9 by Samsung. Hence, LG is trying to avoid direct competition with this giant device. Again, late October is the launch time for iPhones. So, LG is going to face another big fish. Therefore, early October has been chosen very pragmatically.
Yet, LG has not mentioned any specific launch date . The new ThinQ device will include the ThinQ moniker with enhanced Artificial intelligence. There has been a conjecture making round that the V40 ThinQ will pack 5 cameras – one on the front and three at the back. It is not yet known how these cameras will work in coordination with each other. According to rumors, the device is arranging for a 3D experience using the two front facing cameras..
Even though the existence of LG devices fall short in front of Samsung and Apple, yet LG has been betting hard on flagships phones this year, such as the V30S ThinQ, V35 ThinQ, and the G7 ThinQ.
The specifications and price have been withheld as of now.
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