Google Play Store frequently encounters uncanny problems like not letting you download an app despite of having free storage. Sometimes, the Play Store refuses to acknowledge your Account and sometimes it crashes down repeatedly. Even though most of the problems ...

Few months back, when you opened a number of Tabs in Google Chrome and suddenly a video of an advertisement or anything started playing, it became impossible for you to understand which tab has started playing the audio and you ...

Google allows users to sync multiple accounts to its primary Google account. For this purpose, Google created a user profile button to help you identify which of the multiple accounts you are using. the You button is definitely important but ...

Google is now inseparable from our life and there is no second thought. From your grandma to your little grandchild, every one is slowly embracing Google to search and get answers online. However in this process, we often leave behind ...

Google Chromecast is one of the easiest and sophisticated ways to enjoy online movies, games, music, videos and many more. There are many more interesting functions that Chromecase can do and perhaps you are yet to know them. One of ...

Netflix has three plans for users, the basic Netflix plan, the HD plan and the Ultra HD Plan. From the name itself, it’s self explanatory that the basic plan does not include the High Definition video streaming while the HD ...

Google Maps or any Navigation system requires high speed Internet. When you are in an urban area, searching a place using Google Maps will not be a problem but if you move into an area where suddenly the internet speed ...

When you purchase a movie online or download it, the movie may not contain subtitles. If you are not fluent in the language in which the movie has been made, then it will become a sheer waste of money. However, ...

WhatsApp has added new Starred Messages in iOS and Android operating systems. These messages are bookmarked so that the messages can be saved for future references. The feature was added few months ago where you could only mark a message ...

Facebook Messenger app for smartphones has chat heads that pop up from time to time whenever you have a new message from a friend. If you chat with your friends and you love chatting, then the Messenger chat heads are ...

Facebook Messenger has enriched itself with many outstanding and secured features like the filter message requests, internet data usage etc. Another feature is the new Data and Storage feature, which, if not deployed carefully, can ruin your internet data. This ...

The Motorola handsets with Android 5.0 Lollipop like the Moto G might any day show up a Star Sign just beside the battery indicator. The results of the Star sign in that no call or message notifications and no alerts ...

When we watch movies in computer, laptop and other such devices, there is a problem that all of us face with many movies- the lack of balance in sound. The dialogues that are being spoken are too mild for the ...

In offices, colleges and schools, we often don’t have access to all websites, especially the social media ones. This is because social media websites and video streaming websites can reduce the productivity of work and thus certain websites are blocked ...

Self control is not an easy thing. We get to understand the importance of self control in our daily life, almost everyday, when we waste too much time using Facebook and chat services. Yes, before doing any work, we open ...

We all love to talk and listen to music over phone using earphones. Talking over mobile phone using headphones is safer and better option but despite of its utility it’s not always recommended to put your earphones on. When you ...

In an era where online cloud storage is the most popular storage system, we can expect most of us using some cloud service but we cannot expect everyone of them to use Dropbox. Even though Dropbox is a hugely popular ...

We know that Gmail now allows us to add multiple email accounts attached to our primary mail account. This makes it easy to deal with so many mails from different IDs. Users can add email IDs of not only Google, ...

If you want to find out an app that would sync your clipboard content across multiple devices, there are plenty of apps to do so. Most of the apps perform additional functions like backing up texts, saving history etc. Even ...

Gmail has a good filtering system and it prevents your account from spam messages. For example the huge Prize money of $1 million from fraudsters. Even though Gmail efficiently chops off these mails from your Primary inbox, there are some ...